奉天承運 市府督學升堂嚴辦
先射箭再畫靶 屈指成罪
市府督學親臨 是非變色
教育局越權操作 違法亂紀
「龍」命難違 專權復辟
Hsiaoling Hsiao(蕭曉玲): jobless as the result of being against the power?
The former junior school teacher Hsiaoling Hsiao got intentionally laid off by the school she worked for only because she accused Longbin Hao, (郝龍斌) the Mayor of Taipei of breaking the law (One-Guideline-One-Text).
Hsiaoling Hsiao(蕭曉玲), was a teacher of junior school in Taiwan till the end of 2007, because of her accusing the Mayor, not only was she laid off by the school, but also was she blacklisted by the Education Ministry of Taiwan that she will not be able to teach in any educational institute national wide. This punishment equals the punishment for those teachers who commit sexual abuse.
Meihui Tseng, (曾美蕙) The principal of the school Ms. Hsiao used to work for, wrote a book and defamed Ms. Hsiao in an article of a book she wrote with others. This book was distributed to many schools national wide, ruined the reputation of Ms. Hsiao totally. No wonder that dozens of NGOs in Taiwan called it as “revival of political persecution”
During the incident procedure, the interference of government can be seen everywhere. The school inspector implied to reactive the lay-off policy on the performance evaluation conference. Protests against her with white cloth strips from the parental association. These organized activities against her was launched and informed via faxes from the Education Bureau.
Tengjiao Lin, (林騰蛟) head of the Taiwan Education Bureau slandered Hsiao at the press conference of “shameless lying and mislead the media”. When asked about when Hsiao was found not qualified, Lin said repeatedly “on November 12th。” exactly the day when she accused the Mayor!
According to the school, Hsiao got laid off because of scrimshank to the work. The evidence backing up the accusation is more than ridiculous – a photo of a watch is said to be the evidence of late for work; a photo with Hsiao holding the telephone for business use at school was accused of using mobile phone during class; a falsified journal showing the date November 31st – a date never exists, and other similar non-existing evidence. Also falsified testimony from the students saying she showed entertaining film in class instead of teaching according to the schedule, talking about political sensitive topics. (One-Guideline-One-Text)
The punishment to Hsiao works now as a warning to others, aroused the anxiety and fear of many other teachers. Till today, the injustice treatment to Hsiao is still remaining. “All what we can do now is wishing her all the best” says the National Federation of Teachers Union.
Hsiao eventually sacrificed for this case, it led to following bad consequence –tens of thousands of NTD spent in vain,thousands students’ right offended.
For more information, please go to Ms. Hsiao’s blog, address as below